Wednesday, 2nd October 2024
The Round Room at The Mansion House, Dublin

Fintech Public Servant of the Year Award

This award celebrates the individuals who have demonstrated outstanding leadership and expertise in shaping Fintech policy and regulation. These influencers have worked tirelessly to create a more supportive environment for Fintech innovation and growth by collaborating with policymakers and regulators. They have shown an exceptional ability to navigate complex regulatory frameworks and create policies that foster innovation and provide better financial services to consumers. Their contributions have played a pivotal role in shaping the future of the Fintech industry and driving its continued success. 

  • The nominee must have made exceptional contributions to shaping Fintech policy and regulation. 
  • The nominee must have demonstrated an exceptional ability to work with policymakers and regulators to create a more supportive environment for Fintech innovation and growth. 
  • The nominee must have made a significant impact on the development and growth of Fintech in Ireland through their policy and regulatory initiatives. 


  1. Provide a detailed overview of the how this individual/company has  demonstrated outstanding leadership and expertise in shaping Fintech policy and regulation (350 words max)  
  2. Provide examples of policy and regulatory initiatives including detail of how you/they have worked effectively with policymakers and regulators(250 words max)  
  3. Please provide details or metrics of the impact these initiatives have had on the Growth of Fintech in Ireland (250 words max)  
  4. Give any other reasons why this should be chosen for the award over your competitors (250 words max)  

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